Facelift and Filters: Feature Update | Demand Forecasting

We're excited to introduce the newest updates and features of our Demand Forecasting solution.

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Our development teams have worked tirelessly to make your user experience even more intuitive and powerful. Here are the highlights:

Facelift UI ✨

  • New Visual Optic with Spline Chart: Experience a revamped and visually appealing interface. Spline charts offer smoother data lines, making trends and patterns easier to identify, which helps in making more accurate predictions and better business decisions.
  • More Prominent Export Button: The export button is now prominently placed in the upper right corner, making it easier to export your data quickly.
  • Highlighted Data Points: Marked data points are now clearly highlighted, allowing you to spot key information at a glance.
  • Visualization and Sorting of Data Table: The data table visualization is now more organized and sortable, speeding up your data analysis process.

Viewing Older Versions of Your Forecast While New Version is Being Calculated 🔄

With this feature, you can continue accessing older versions of your forecasts while new ones are being calculated. This ensures uninterrupted workflow and continuous productivity.

Enhanced Filter Options 🔍

  • New Home in "All Filters" Button: All filter options are now conveniently located in the "All Filters" button, simplifying the filtering process.
  • No Sidebar on the Right Anymore: The right sidebar has been removed, offering a cleaner and more streamlined user interface.
  • Further Options in Three Dots Menu: Additional filter options are now neatly tucked away in the three dots menu, enhancing user-friendliness.
  • Better UX for Saving Filters: Saving filters is now more intuitive, saving you valuable time.
  • No Recalculate Button: The need for a separate recalculate button is eliminated, creating a smoother workflow.

New Features and Enhancements in This Release 🌟

  • New Logos and Icons: We've added new logos and icons and integrated our logo throughout the platform for a cohesive and appealing look.
  • Saved Filters for Different Forecast Versions: You can now save filters and apply them to different forecast versions, making it easier to compare and analyze your data.
  • Automated Email Notifications 📧: Receive automated emails when your forecast calculations are successful, keeping you informed in real-time. This feature ensures you are always up-to-date on the status of your forecasts without needing to manually check, allowing you to act promptly on the results and maintain your workflow efficiency.
  • Combined Empty Filter Message & Undo: Get a message and the option to undo when an empty filter is combined, preventing accidental data exclusions.
  • Presentational Bug Fixes: We've fixed bugs related to additional data not showing initially and improved the presentation of your data.
  • New Clean and Modern Login Page: Our login page has been revamped to provide a fresh and modern login experience, making your entry into the platform more pleasant.

We believe these improvements will significantly enhance your experience with our Demand Forecasting solution.

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Regardless of where you currently stand. Our team will be happy to provide you with a free initial consultation. In just under 30 minutes, we will look at your challenges and our solution together.