With AI solutions
toward a sustainable supply chain
We use your data and the industry knowledge of your experts to create highly accurate forecasts and CO₂ balances using machine learning algorithms. For a cost-optimized, more efficient & sustainable supply chain.

Machine learning-supported demand planning in your target system
The increasing complexity of supply chains is overwhelming existing planning processes. Machine learning algorithms are the technological answer to the challenge of this increasingly dynamic market development.
The pacemaker demand forecasting solution uses your internal data and existing expert knowledge, supplements them with further influencing factors, and delivers forecasts directly to your target system with over 90% accuracy. For easier, data-based decisions in your planning process.

How Berco uses AI-supported demand forecasting
By using pacemaker.ai's machine learning technology, we are able to significantly improve the accuracy of our demand forecasting, optimize planning processes and promote sustainable growth.
Product Carbon Footprints mit AI berechnen
When manufacturing a product, CO₂ emissions are often unavoidable. Investors, regulations, and customers are increasingly demanding a reduction in CO₂ emissions. However, calculating CO₂ emissions is increasingly presenting companies with major challenges.
Unsere Carbon-Intelligence-Lösung nutzt Machine Learning, um Ihre Carbon Footprints zu berechnen, ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Ihre Lieferkette und erleichtert Entscheidungen.

Your starting point on the way to becoming a data-based company
Our data & project experts are at your disposal: We advise you on all topics relating to demand forecasting, data quality, machine learning, and carbon intelligence.
Data Science & AI Consulting: What can AI do for you?
You want to find out whether AI is a solution for you or which challenges can be solved with AI and data science methods. We'll tell you and examine your requirements.
Data Thinking Workshops: Your Start into a Data-Driven Supply Chain
You know that Data Science is the solution, but you're not sure where exactly to start? In our Data Thinking Workshops, we find the answers to your questions.
Schedule for an initial consultation
Regardless of where you currently stand, our team is happy to assist you in a free initial consultation. Together, in just about 30 minutes, we'll look at your challenges and our solution.
What can pacemaker.ai do for your company?
Artificial Intelligence is the answer to many challenges in modern Supply Chain Management. However, for many companies, implementing AI becomes the actual challenge.
The pacemaker.ai expert team supports you as a digital companion and provides two turnkey solutions for your data-driven Supply Chain Management with its in-house Demand Forecasting and Carbon Intelligence software.

Demand forecasting
Are your planning tools no longer keeping up with market dynamics? ML-supported forecasts can help.
CO₂ Footprints & Intelligence
When it comes to capturing your CO₂ emissions, Machine Learning offers immense benefits. We'll show you how you can benefit from it.
Data Science & AI-Consulting
Want to know how AI & Machine Learning can solve your SCM challenges? We'll tell you.
Data Thinking Workshops
How can you efficiently use your existing data? We'll answer this question with you in an initial workshop.
Wie läuft es ab?
Die Zusammenarbeit mit uns ist klar strukturiert und effizient gestaltet, um Ihnen den besten Service zu bieten. Ihr Erfolg ist unser Ziel!
In einem ersten unverbindlichen Termin prüfen wir Ihre Herausforderungen und schauen gemeinsam, ob unsere Lösung für Sie infrage kommt. In knapp 30–60 Minuten erfahren Sie alles über unsere Produkte und Lösungen.
In unserem Data Thinking Workshops nutzen wir Methoden des Design Thinking, um Ihre Daten, Ihre Firma und Ihre User in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Damit AI den Mehrwert bietet, den Sie erwarten.
Während dieser Phase prüfen wir explorativ Ihre Daten und trainieren unsere Algorithmen für Ihren Anwendungsfall. Wir etablieren den Datenaustausch und benchmarken unsere Ergebnisse mit Ihrer bestehenden Lösung.
Schließlich setzen wir Ihren Forecast in der Cloud um. Unser Ziel ist es, den Forecast zu automatisieren und höchste Präzision in der Vorhersage zu erreichen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Prognosen auf das nächste Level bringen!
The Best of Both Worlds
In our corporate startup, we combine the stability and resources of an established traditional corporation with the innovative power and dynamism of a startup.
Here, you will find a unique working environment where security meets adventure and traditional boundaries are redefined. Become part of our team and shape the future of the supply chain with us.

The Latest News from pacemaker.ai
Let's work together to ensure the sustainable success of your company.
During the initial consultation, we evaluate your project goals and offer you tailor-made support. From specific ideas to complex consulting via demand forecasting and carbon intelligence — use our pacemaker.ai for maximum business success!