Employee Spotlight: Interview with Wiktor, our data scientist

Welcome to our Employee Spotlight series! Today we'd like to introduce you to Wiktor, one of our talented data scientists at pacemaker.ai. In this interview, you will get to know an important person from our team and learn more about their professional career, experiences and views. We would like to introduce you to the people who decisively shape our success. For interested applicants, this offers the opportunity to get to know the person in advance who may be your first point of contact in the application process. This gives you an insight into our corporate culture, our values and the qualities that we particularly appreciate in new team members.

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Hello Wiktor, tell us a bit about yourself!

Hi, I'm Wiktor and I've been working as a data scientist at pacemaker since September 2023.

How did you join us and what particularly appealed to you?

Straight from Warsaw to Münster. During my final phase of my master's degree, I looked around for interesting data science jobs. That's when I came across pacemaker's job posting, applied and ended up here.

I was particularly attracted to the focus on forecasting and the opportunity to help customers with their data.

What was the application process like for you and do you have any tips for the selection process?

I found the application process to be very pleasant (probably not surprising given the positive outcome :D). As a tip I can give you, do not to be too nervous. The interviewers are all very relaxed and collegial. Show that you are interested in the job you should do and that you are ready to learn new topics.

How would you describe the vibes in our office and what do you find particularly cool about our working atmosphere?

Classic start-up vibes. The office is very modern, the supply of drinks and snacks is more than extensive and the colleagues are all open and helpful.

What does your day-to-day work as a data scientist look like now?

My traditional working day consists partly of classic data science tasks such as preparing data, forecasting myself, evaluating the results and preparing reports. On the other hand, project manager/employee activities. This includes topics such as the exchange with customers about the availability of different data sources, the exchange of data itself, the clarification of inconsistencies within the data and the presentation of the results achieved.

What was your most exciting project so far or do you have a cool story about successful teamwork?

I particularly remember one customer for whom we competed with a market competitor for the customer's profit. With our work and the results achieved, we were able to convince them of our solution, so that they started the project with us immediately after the presentation.

How does our company help you develop your potential?

It not only gives me the opportunity to develop in my subject area, but also in topics that lie outside my role.

What is your secret talent that not everyone in the office knows?

That remains secret! :D

Your personal highlight of your time so far

TeamDays are always a highlight.

What would you give to a future Pacemaker?

Have fun with the restart. A new pacemaker can definitely expect an exciting work environment in which they learn a lot of new things quickly.

A big thank you to Wiktor for sharing his experiences and insights with us so openly! Stay tuned for more inspiring insights into the stories of our talented team at pacemaker.ai.

If you are interested in AI-supported supply chain solutions, book a free initial consultation: Make an appointment now!

Hello Wiktor, tell us a bit about yourself!

Hi, I'm Wiktor and I've been working as a data scientist at pacemaker since September 2023.

How did you join us and what particularly appealed to you?

Straight from Warsaw to Münster. During my final phase of my master's degree, I looked around for interesting data science jobs. That's when I came across pacemaker's job posting, applied and ended up here.

I was particularly attracted to the focus on forecasting and the opportunity to help customers with their data.

What was the application process like for you and do you have any tips for the selection process?

I found the application process to be very pleasant (probably not surprising given the positive outcome :D). As a tip I can give you, do not to be too nervous. The interviewers are all very relaxed and collegial. Show that you are interested in the job you should do and that you are ready to learn new topics.

How would you describe the vibes in our office and what do you find particularly cool about our working atmosphere?

Classic start-up vibes. The office is very modern, the supply of drinks and snacks is more than extensive and the colleagues are all open and helpful.

What does your day-to-day work as a data scientist look like now?

My traditional working day consists partly of classic data science tasks such as preparing data, forecasting myself, evaluating the results and preparing reports. On the other hand, project manager/employee activities. This includes topics such as the exchange with customers about the availability of different data sources, the exchange of data itself, the clarification of inconsistencies within the data and the presentation of the results achieved.

What was your most exciting project so far or do you have a cool story about successful teamwork?

I particularly remember one customer for whom we competed with a market competitor for the customer's profit. With our work and the results achieved, we were able to convince them of our solution, so that they started the project with us immediately after the presentation.

How does our company help you develop your potential?

It not only gives me the opportunity to develop in my subject area, but also in topics that lie outside my role.

What is your secret talent that not everyone in the office knows?

That remains secret! :D

Your personal highlight of your time so far

TeamDays are always a highlight.

What would you give to a future Pacemaker?

Have fun with the restart. A new pacemaker can definitely expect an exciting work environment in which they learn a lot of new things quickly.

A big thank you to Wiktor for sharing his experiences and insights with us so openly! Stay tuned for more inspiring insights into the stories of our talented team at pacemaker.ai.

If you are interested in AI-supported supply chain solutions, book a free initial consultation: Make an appointment now!

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